In this club is a fun way for students to engage in multiplication and division through various math games. This class will be focused on multiplication and division fluency for students who are beginning their understanding of multiplication/division or are looking to feel more confident in their multiplication/division facts. Each week, students will participate in various different games that are meant to help with their development of multiplication and division facts that meet their instructional needs while also encouraging a love of math. Our goal is to make math learning collaborative and fun! ** Please note: This class will be focused only on multiplication and division facts through 10 x 10 (Facts to 100).
04/24/2025, 05/01/2025, 05/08/2025, 05/15/2025, 05/22/2025, 05/29/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 3 to 5.
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 12
Registration starts on 03/17/2025 and ends on 04/13/2025.
Please contact Baroody Camps, Inc if you have any questions.